Members of the Home For All board, including Toyo Ito, Riken Yamamoto, Yasuhiro Yamashita and Astrid Klein, display the certificate for the 33rd Fukushima Architecture and Culture Award
The Soma City Home-For-All Children's House has been awarded the Excellence Award at the 33rd Fukushima Prefecture Building and Culture Awards! On Thursday 26th January Yukinari Hisayama collected the award on behalf of Klein Dytham architecture who designed the building, in collaboration with Toyo Ito & Associates.
The judges praised the building for being a welcoming space for children. They stated that the warmth of the wood, woven in three layers, has been successful in creating a place for children to play, where their parents can have piece of mind that they are safe. This building is one that will stay in the minds of all of the children who will play here.
On collecting the award Yukinari Hisayama thanked the judges and everyone involved in bringing this important project to completion. He said, "I hope that this space will continue to be filled with smiles and that local people will always feel that this building is part of their community."
For more information on the Soma City Home-For-All please visit the website:
Design: Klein Dytham architecture in collaboration with Toyo Ito & Associates
Structural Design: Arup Japan
Construction Company: Shelter
The 33rd Fukushima Architecture and Culture Award trophy!